Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pay It Forward... Because Momma P Taught Me To

"Basically, you want to move the earth off it's axis"
"Yup, pretty much!"
- Pay It Forward (2000 film) 

           In life, sometimes we are lucky enough to meet someone who changes our perspective on life in a hugely positive way. People who teach us that true kindness is something you do, not because you expect recognition for it, but because it is the right thing to do. I have had the chance to meet such a person and it has been beyond amazing. This woman has taken me in as her very own and has shown me such love and acceptance that at times I wonder what I have done to have such an amazing friend.
            She now faces a difficult time in her life. She is in need of a transplant and must raise the money to pay for the procedure. I had the opportunity to speak to someone else that has been touched by her kindness. This is what he had to say:

Dear Friends,
            I am writing to you with an open and pleading heart on behalf of a truly great person and friend. My name is Christopher Culver, Sr. and I am the father of New York Yankee 2010 first round draft pick, Cito Culver. Many of you may not know this but I am presently an inmate of the New York State Correctional Facility. I am not proud of my present situation but I do accept the responsibility for my actions, and I say this with a very humbled heart.
            But like I said earlier in this letter, this is on behalf of a great friend for which my situation cannot compare. I call her Sheila “I Will Give The Shirt Off My Back” Perkins, and she is fighting a test of fate. She has just been told that she is in the need of lung transplant and that it will have to take place within this year to the cost of $500,000 for which she is responsible for 20%.
            But before I go any further, please allow me the opportunity to introduce to you my Heavy Weight Champion. 
           She is my Heavy Weight Champion of friendship. She resides in Rochester, NY. At five feet tall she is tipping the scales at a whole ninety-six pounds and is fifty-eight plus years old. She is a single mother of three and the grandmother of two. She has held positions in many professional fields to provide for her family. She is also known as the McDonalds Drive Thru “Pay-It-Forward” bandit and is sought out by many just for the chance to say thank you. She is the creator and founder of her own prison ministry of which I personally know two of her clients to whom she gives nothing but faith, hope, and love to. She trains at Sheila Perkins “Kitchen Of Champions” and her doors are always open to all. She is known all over the Internet for her quote of the day and her favorite past time is watching the Yankees play. But, like great champions late in their career, she is facing an opponent with the odds stacked up against her.

            So, as a loving friend of faith, I write this challenge to all. There is over 10,000 seats available for this heavy weight match, at a minimum of $10 a donation per person. If your heart allows you to participate, you can send your donations to:
Help Hope Live
150 N. Radnor Chester Rd., Suite F120
Radnor, PA. 19087
Or you can go online to Help Hope Live for Sheila Ann Perkins or call 1-800-642-8399. Please make them aware that this donation will be for Sheila Ann Perkins.
With that said, I’d like to share this quote with you:
“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now and not differ or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” – Pen
So, if you are not able to donate, please share this with friends and family and watch faith overcome the odds.
Thank you and God bless,
Christopher Culver, Sr.

            Christopher and I spoke for a while about Ms. Perkins. How she has been a positive influence in our lives.  It seems like she has come to both of us at really dark lonely times and lifted us. She lives by one rule and I think it is one we should all adapt. Pay-It-Forward. Do kind things in small dosages and watch them grow 10 times over. Do it because it is the right thing to do, not because you seek praise. Do it because it will make someone else incredibly happy.

            For more information on lung transplants you can go here: Lung Transplant- Mayo Clinic

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