I am told
Be quiet
Don't complain
Suck it up
It's all in vain
Do you hear my fear?
Have you heard the cries of my heart?
You tell me don't fret
Let's see what happens
You've endured so much
Surely you can survive this
When there are guns aimed at my sons
You tell me
If he complies he lives
But this is a lie
So embedded in our minds
That you automatically label him a criminal
All he wanted was a bag of fucking Skittles
Ask yourself
When you have a gun aimed at you
By a mad man
Above the law
Lawless and heartless
Tell me
When you know this man hates you
Simply because your tan is a little different
Tell me
Do you fight?
Do you try to save your own life?
But he should've just...
He died anyway
Are you happy?
His killer walks amongst us
A free man
Heralded a hero
Glorified by men
In white robes and mask
More like monsters
They'll take my sons and kill them
But not before they beat and torture them
They'll take my daughter
Dear god
The horror
You tell me
Stay quiet
Do all you can to not die
It's okay
We know they hate you
But we will do nothing to help protect you
It's you who is wrong
You died of your own stupidity
How dare you think that you are our equal
Just wait
Civil Rights will have no sequel
This is how it ends
And if the mad man points a gun to your head
But don't complain
Don't you dare show us your fear
It's stupid
You're bothering US
How dare you
How dare you demand to heard
Your voice means nothing
You're being absurd
The noise that you're making
Just stop
Slowly we whisper
How can you hate us
We don't
You do
If you didn't hate us
You'd know
Know what
You just pulled the trigger
Then die
You will listen
Or we will fight
- Erica G. Flores